Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Off the Map...

Well, this is the last day of the CSFF Blog Tour featuring Where The Map Ends. I’ve enjoyed poking around the website; I hope you have, too.

Today we’ll focus on some of the Special Features.

This section of the blog seems to feature things that change monthly, though as there isn’t much of an introduction to the page I’m not really sure. But when I read “This month: the never-used prologue from Kathryn Mackel’s creepy novel, Outriders,” I assume that last month was something different.

The prologue posted was a fun read, though it seemed to stand on its own well enough as a short story. I’m not sure if the point of posting it was to give visitors something fun, or to promote the book that this prologue was originally written for. If it’s the former, great: it served its purpose. I had fun reading it. If the point was to get us to read the novel, however, it didn’t work for me. Following the short-story-esque snippet with a blurb about the rest of the novel might have succeeded in getting me excited about the book. As it was, I forgot until just now (while quoting text) that this wasn’t, in fact, a short story.

I also noticed that, if you go to the short story links at the top of the article and then click on the interview links there, that you get the current interview instead of the interview that’s mentioned. If you want to find the real previous interviews, you have to go here - to the interview archive.

Wow. There’s a lot that I’ve covered, but I still haven’t managed to go in-depth about it all. The tools for writers, for example, I’m going to have to go back an explore more myself. I know I certainly need the push every now and again to get myself to keep writing.

Thanks for the visit and the comments, everyone. I look forward to next month’s Tour, which features Randy Ingermanson’s Double Vision.