Friday, March 23, 2007

Friday Fiver: Not every saint is a fool

1. What do you dream about?
While-I-sleep-at-night dreams? I have no idea.
Or this-is-what-I-want-out-of-life dreams? I want to make a living as a novelist, and to have a happy family (husband + one or more kids, if possible).

2. Who has been mean to you, lately?
Uh... no one.

3. What makes you tremble in fear?
Nothing scares me to the "tremble in fear" stage.

4. Tell us something you've destroyed:
old credit cards

5. Do you feel in control over your life?
More-or-less, yes. There are things I don't control and I know that, but I also know that I have more control than any other living person does.

(Hee hee, just read that last sentence and realized it might sound cocky. I don't mean that "I have more control than you, nyah nyah." I mean that I have more control over my life than anyone else does over my life...)