Thursday, July 19, 2007

Booking It

So ~ who among you are going to be in line at midnight waiting for your book?

I will. Even though I won't be able to pick up my book until 8am the next day. You see, I ordered my copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows from a local book store who had tried midnight book parties unsuccessfully in the past, and so aren't doing it this time. But, I can't let my team down.

"Team? What team?"

My newly-formed quiddich team.

Broom workshop 1

Look! Our brooms-in-progress. They are actually completed now, and look great, but I want to wait on pictures until I can post one of us in our robes with them. We are being Ravenclaw, partly because I was sorted there (at, though you have to hunt for it a bit) and partly because Griffindow and Slitherin are too stereotypical, and partly because - well. Blue and silver. Who could beat that?

So, we're looking forward to the book launch party (at a major chain bookstore, rather than my LBS), even though we will get there late due to having a show (Music Man) that night. Should be fun...

(I'll post pictures after the event.)