Is sloppiness in speech caused by ignorance or apathy? I don’t know and I don’t care.
- William Safire
I haven’t done a goals post in a long time. Way too long, given that without the accountability aspect I have been slowly letting the slacker in me take over. So, without further ado (and sadly without pictures today), here are my goals for the next month and a half (or so). We’ll see if I can get back to a monthly goals schedule after that…
- Plot & outline RS.
- Finish crit of AD for Phoenix.
- Start writing RS - get a chapter done by May 31.
- Work up an estimated word count of RS based on outline.
- May 1-31: write final chapter for the Naked Project on the OWG.
Writing Goals:
Given how much of a slacker I’ve been lately, I don’t want to get too ambitious all at once.
- Finish M’s socks.
- Finish Blood Diamond socks.
- Finish Icarus.
Knitting Goals:
Speaking of ambitious. Let’s see if I can get all that done…